Saturday, November 22, 2008

~~and i went to kenya~~ Part Two

Now let me show you the places I've been to...

Lake Victoria, Kisumu, Kenya
Biggest Lake in Africa and is shared by 4 countries I think

Impala Park, Kisumu
A park next to the lake and its full of free impalas

Nanyuki Reserve, Nanyuki
This reserve has been established to preserve the endangered Chimpanzees from the Congo Forest and the Black Rhinoceros which are being hunted for their tusk horns

This is a gorge, but I forgot the name of the gorge! LOL! Dirty water, it was dry season so the sand was very dry causing the water to be dirty

This is one of the geysers at Lake Bogoria, an alkaline lake with volcanic activity. I was with Derrick (left), Dickson (next to me) and Ken.

Menengai Crater, extends for hundreds of kilometers. I went down the normal route, came up on a steep rock with no rock climbing gadgets! Gosh, i thought i was gonna die!

Lake Nakuru, this lake is already polluted and is starting to dry up. This lake needs help!

Hell's Gate, a gorge in the middle of almost desert! There's a small falls here and warm water comes down from I dont know where!

Abedare Mountain Range, this place is where Queen Elizabeth II was having her vacation when she learned she was to be queen.

Oldonyo Sabuk (Buffalo Mountain), place where the wife of a rich aristrocrat was buried and Fourteen Falls

Mt. Kenya, second highest mountain in the African continent, next to mount Kilimanjaro! Look, they got snow...

Amboseli National Park, a park near the Tanzania-Kenya Border and Samburu National Park, the park where the rare Gerenuk (like gazelles with long giraffe-like necks) can be found.

Mzima Springs, crystal clear water where hippos reside and Shetani Lava flow, valley with hardened lava both at Tsavo National Park

Gede Ruins and Fort Jesus at Mombasa

Masai Mara, a national preserve that is connected to Serengeti National Park of Tanzania. Here, Gnu or wildebeests are migrating back to Tanzania

Lake Turkana, biggest alkaline lake in Africa, close to Somalia-Kenya border.

Masai Tribe, the nomadic tribe of Kenya

I have other pictures of places I've visited but because my old desktop crashed and the whole computer was rebooted and formatted, I lost the pictures...

Next up, maybe either animals or birds...hmmm, which one...


Sondang said...

Kenya looks like a nice place to me :)
I wish I could go there :)