wishful thoughts...all over my mind...with God's help...i hope they'll come true...
im just wishing im not this bored.
im just wishing i am at my house in kenya.
im just wishing i could eat pizza right now.
im just wishing my bank account had more money from my work which i dont have.
im just wishing that i could get my visa soon.
im just wishing im in school and finish.
im just wishing im with my parents.
im just wishing the world's land mass are all connected.
im just wishing that everyone have a great new year ahead of them.
im just wishing that people work on their relationships.
im just wishing that God will come soon.
im just wishing that every pain will end and no tear will fall.
im just wishing that i will be in heaven with all my love ones.
im just wishing that i can be a mother and a wife soon.
im just wishing that rashid could be with me now as we welcome a new year.
im just wishing my parents were with me this holiday season.
im just wishing that i can get married soon.
im just wishing i could get out of the habit of not sleeping at night.
im just wishing i could talk to rashid everyday.
im just wishing...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 3:34 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
snow...ice skating...and fun memories...
well, this week has been quite eventful!!! let me list them up...like i always do...1. Went to Forest Falls last saturday, about 20 mins from my house and i played with snow! i was wearing cloth shoes so tho i dont wanna leave the 12 inch (or more) snow, i had to since my toes were starting to scream "i think we're dead!!!". my niece loved it as much as i did and my whole family did! was so so fun!!! whheeeeeeee!!!!
2. Lerie and Bayu got married!!! im so happy for them though i really wished i was there...
3. hmmmm...my "fake" aunt is off for the week so she keeps on inviting my family to her house just across the street to eat!!! yummy food!!! she even told me to take a whole pecan pie home! and jelly beans (except the black ones). and roasted chicken. and many more!!!
4. I went ice skating! tried my best to learn impromptu! to some extent, IT WAS SUCCESSFUL! i helped ien to skate and well, she was all over the place so i fell on my butt, like literally on my butt abt 2 times!!! the ice rink was so hard i could feel vibrations up my spine! it was ok tho, i got a big butt so nice cushion!!! oops, that was supposed to be top secret! LOL
5. well. i dont know if my sister will approve of this but hey, im proud abt this! i'll be an aunt again! most likely this coming july!!! yay!!! my mom's got 2 grandkids, i be she'll be pushing me to give her one already! its not gonna be a long wait anyway...*wink*
6. Rashid and I talked over the fone, and he'll be gone till the new year to Zambia. this is the moment of silence where we both dont hear anything from each other, apart from emails. but anyway, when he called me, well, i told him that my "fake" aunt wants to spend for my wedding!!! and well, he said..."baby, prepare the decorations, we'll get married when i come over..." well, he always plays around so i didnt believe him then he said "im not kidding, im serious this time..." hmmm i dont know if i should fall for his jokes or take it seriously. but anyway, im not gonna prepare the decorations till he actually helps out with it! but dang, im a bit shocked! i know i wont get married till he graduates or at least gets stable with a job tho he's still in school but i really wish we could get married next month!!! im so excited to be a mom and a wife!!! yay!!!!!!!!!
7. well, im typing while my eyes are slowly closing! im pretty, well, actually, super duper sleepy!!! anyway, this brings back funny memories!
rashid and I chat when its daytime in his place and night time in my place. so usually i sleep in the morning/afternoon and will always be awake from 10pm to 10 am. well, once i was sleepy, so sleepy that my eyes we're rioting! but still i tried to fight off the sleepiness. well, then rashid asked me if i was sleepy then i told him yes! i told him to just buzz me when he's online on his laptop since we were chatting on the fone. i slept and the next day i checked what i wrote and i started bursting with laughter! i was so sleepy that the only thing i can write was "so jat byxx me wrn ir oblne on ur ;apyo;!!!" that meant, "so jst buzz me wen ur online on ur laptop!!!". oh well, i guess i should sleep now than start writing stuff like that!!! LOL!!!
really excited for rashid's arrival!!! wheeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
worry freak...
i am a worry freak!!! i am not proud of it but thats the truth!!! why cant i just let God handle everything?! i am so stressed coz of my worrying! this thing with my visa is making me worry so much! i need to trust God more, He has plans for me... need prayers please....
p.s. RASHID'S cOMING SOON, now that part im not worried abt...
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
When we get SCAR(R)ED by our pasts...
i was just thinking...pain comes with every happiness...past will always hunt us, but we can always overcome it...
before meeting rashid, i was hurt, so bad that it made me hate myself. i became self hating for like a year coz i did things that i didnt want and did it on force so i was so regretful of my past. i even thought of ending my life coz i was regretful abt it. it was hard for me to let anybody new in my life tho it took me a short while to fall in love with rashid. I guess i was scarred by my past, i just never loved the other man at all...
trusting another person was so hard because of the scars that embedded on my heart. i was so guilty about my past that i never want to fully give my trust to anyone. but then i realized that i was torturing and hurting rashid coz of it. he accepted me for who i am and for what i came through. i was scared that he would leave me coz of my past but then i proved my conclusion wrong. it took me more than 8 months to finally give my trust away again.
I was just thinking, how many of us are being hindered with happiness coz of our pasts? too many, its like everyone or most of us have something in our pasts that just keeps us from being happy. we're scared, we dont trust people that easily, we're in self denial of happiness which we should receive everday of our lives. i was so scared to be in a new relationship because i was traumatized by my past that i thought, maybe it might happen again.
but then i realized, how are we gonna be happy when we have someone from our past that hurt us so bad and made us think that the path to happiness requires pain or that in every happiness there is pain. sometimes it makes me think that its unfair how life can be painful at times. but i guess that comes with sin.
all i wanted was acceptance and like how God accepted me for who i am, rashid did the same. i realized that if a person truly loves us, no matter who we are, what background we came from, what mischief we've done, if that person loves us, they will accept us. i guess the sense of acceptance slowly healed me from my past. Leaving everything to God's hands is the key to every bit of happiness we desire for. we can't escape the risk and the fear of being hurt again. we just have to face them head on as how we faced our past. eventually when we faced our past problems face to face, we end up succeeding, might be painful but its worthwhile.
our scars will always be there, just a mark of our painful pasts but though we got scars, this does not make us immobile or unable to live a happy life. from every mistake, we learn something from it. maybe all we need to do is give everything to God, we should not be scared of the future, just live the best of our present and never care abt the past. if our past is hindering us, let it go, prepare to be happy for the future while we work on it presently. pain is inevitable, though i am happy right now, once in a while i tear up when arguments come up. but still the happiness is greater and its so much better than hating myself coz of my past.
so to all who are hurting, i think its time for healing. to all who are sad, i think its time for happiness. to all who are scared, i think its time to take risks and face the fears. and to all who is through pain through love, love again and it will heal the pain. God is there, whatever happens, He will lead us through...
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 3:01 PM 2 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
contemplating about my ramblings...
Sometimes i feel like i am asking too much from God. Sometimes i ask Him to give me so much things that i wonder, does He ever get tired? But then i realized from my past experience, God has really given me the things that i have asked for. of course not all of them but He has helped me so many times that i get angry at myself as to why I doubt His powers sometimes.
as a normal human being, i think its just normal to ask so much. we humans never have any satisfaction. basically the world is a place where there is no ultimate satisfaction. even though we get what we want, we again want something more. and thinking about it just makes me feel so bad about myself.
God is there for all our requests, pleas, and His help will be there when we need Him. I just hope this fact that He is all powerful and that He loves us so much that He'd hear every prayer we make will stop us from doubting me. i doubt so much and it needs to be stopped.
"Lord, please come soon."
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 3:29 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
365 days plus 11
Rashid and I are on our 1st year and 1 month in our relationship!!! I am so blessed and I am so happy that he came to my life and brighten it up!
"I love you Rashid and I am looking forward to a lifetime of me being with you! Happy Anniversary + 1 month!!! LOL!!! "
that's all i've got to share...
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 6:20 AM 0 comments
fixed page...
finally, my blog is fixed!
- background made by me...something that fits my twilight addiction
- logo by me...wahahaha!!!
- and readable texts!
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 5:14 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
my finished scrapbooks....so far....
well i'll be posting some of my scrapbook files. the kits are taken from different people, and i dont know them...so yeah...
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 4:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Digital Scrapbooking
And so, I started to make these digital scrapbooks. If you wanna see it its on my facebook...I guess i'm too bored that eventually my artistic side came out and screamed, "take me out, will you?!" i have not watched the Twilight movie in like 4 days but i'm still listening to the soundtrack! dang, I sure am sort of, not completely, undeniably maybe, maybe somehow, just a little bit addicted to it!!! but hey, everyone's got a slight addiction right!
still missing Rashid...and finally my visa is being processed. I need prayers! God knows whats best, i gotta trust Him...
im so bored im so lazy!!! ugh!!!
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 1:49 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Pacman won!!!
Manny Pacqiuao won against Oscar dela Hoya!!! yippee!!! im a pacifist...i dont punch, only bite!!! lol!!!
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 12:10 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Just Thinking...Finally...
I was just thinking and there's one thing i realized...IM A BUM!!!
So here are some things I've been doing the whole week:
- Pray for Rashid's green card interview
- Chat with Rashid, like about 12 hours a day!!! ahahahaha!!!
- Sleep like an owl...I sleep in the morning and is very active at night!!!
- Read books...finished 4 books plus some additional stuff related to the books
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
Plus some other stuff like the half part of Midnight Sun
- Watch Twilight for like 10 times! LOL!!! I saved it in my laptop so I have access to it anytime I want!!!
- Listen to the soundtrack of Twilight
Full Moon
- Playing Bella's Lullaby
- Eating Doritos Spicy Sweet Chilli
- Bumming and being a couch potato!!!
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Praise The Lord
Rashid got his green card!!! I am hoping he'll be here soon!!! im so excited!!! God listens to our pleas...that's what i've learned and im continually thanking Him for answering my prayers!!! Im so ready to welcome rashid with open arms!!! yayness!!!!
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 1:53 AM 2 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
~~and i went to kenya~~ Part Two
Now let me show you the places I've been to...
Lake Victoria, Kisumu, Kenya
Biggest Lake in Africa and is shared by 4 countries I think
Impala Park, Kisumu
A park next to the lake and its full of free impalas
Nanyuki Reserve, Nanyuki
This reserve has been established to preserve the endangered Chimpanzees from the Congo Forest and the Black Rhinoceros which are being hunted for their tusk horns
This is a gorge, but I forgot the name of the gorge! LOL! Dirty water, it was dry season so the sand was very dry causing the water to be dirty
This is one of the geysers at Lake Bogoria, an alkaline lake with volcanic activity. I was with Derrick (left), Dickson (next to me) and Ken.
Menengai Crater, extends for hundreds of kilometers. I went down the normal route, came up on a steep rock with no rock climbing gadgets! Gosh, i thought i was gonna die!
Lake Nakuru, this lake is already polluted and is starting to dry up. This lake needs help!
Hell's Gate, a gorge in the middle of almost desert! There's a small falls here and warm water comes down from I dont know where!
Abedare Mountain Range, this place is where Queen Elizabeth II was having her vacation when she learned she was to be queen.
Oldonyo Sabuk (Buffalo Mountain), place where the wife of a rich aristrocrat was buried and Fourteen Falls
Mt. Kenya, second highest mountain in the African continent, next to mount Kilimanjaro! Look, they got snow...
Amboseli National Park, a park near the Tanzania-Kenya Border and Samburu National Park, the park where the rare Gerenuk (like gazelles with long giraffe-like necks) can be found.
Mzima Springs, crystal clear water where hippos reside and Shetani Lava flow, valley with hardened lava both at Tsavo National Park
Gede Ruins and Fort Jesus at Mombasa
Masai Mara, a national preserve that is connected to Serengeti National Park of Tanzania. Here, Gnu or wildebeests are migrating back to Tanzania
Lake Turkana, biggest alkaline lake in Africa, close to Somalia-Kenya border.
Masai Tribe, the nomadic tribe of Kenya
Next up, maybe either animals or birds...hmmm, which one...
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 1:48 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 21, 2008
~~and i went to kenya~~ Part One
Dec. 26, 2005: Date I left Thailand to go to Kenya.
- I cried like crazy
- I really didn't want to go
- I was so sad and depressed
- Was sleepy so I slept while going to our new home
- First time I saw wild animals on the road!
- Realized Kenya is not that bad
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 2:09 PM 1 comments
Things that has happened to me in 2 weeks time:
- Got accepted at Andrews
- Will be able to register classes already
- Got a job at Andrews
- Has a half-tuition scholarship to Andrews
- I-20 on the process
Things that has happened to me TODAY:
- Had to postpone my enrollment for the Spring Semester
- I have to extend my stay in the US
- I need about 3 months until my change of status
- Have to enroll for summer classes instead
- I cant attend school until my visa is issued
- I might attend a marine field class at some far shore!
- For now, I'm stuck...
~~wishing the land mass of the world was just stuck up with each other and there are no visas needed to go to one place to another...who ever made visas???~~~
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 1:51 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
sleeping beauty...
ok im not really sure about the beauty part but sure heck im sleepy!!! i just dont get it, i have been not sleeping more than 3 hours every night, i should be used to this!!! or should i be pissed? but hey, when i wake up and i see the message from my boyfriend who chats with me like from 8am to 12am, its a "wake up" pill! just seeing those words "hey sleeping beauty, have a good sleep, and i love you!" now those words make me melt!!! shivers....lol!!! im too sleepy but i dont wnt to sleep...maybe im a sleeping owl...hmmmm...
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 2:39 PM 0 comments
I kinda like role-playing...
I remember when I was a kid, I usually play alone in the house. I'm the youngest person in the house and my brother is a boy, not my typical playmate since if we do play, we end up playing wrestling! To think about it, it was pretty awesome! As a kid I had no playmates. Let's just say my parents were scared to get me scarred by the outside world so they tried so much to protect me from the outdoors. It didn't work all the time since I usually sneak out, but when it did worked out, my day as a child was not that bad.
Since I'm alone and quite lonely as a kid, I would say, I ended up playing alone, with the mirror and my stuffed toys. My imagination was so great that my parents kinda got scared once coz I talk to myself so much it freaked them out!!! But anyway, being alone made me become a person who had a great imagination. And at that point in my life, I LOVED ROLE-PLAYING! Even though I was playing with my brother, role-playing was still a vital part since we reenact the scenes we "hear" about the WWE!!! I try to tackle him down like The Undertaker and my brother would try to bring me down like Hulk Hogan. I know its pretty much weird! I usually play with my toys and I act like I'm a teacher, a nurse, a doctor and even a mom!
This role-playing came to my mind coz Rashid and I just thought about making an igloo just now and we're planning to act like eskimos for even a day! I know it sucks but it made me realize something. Everyone loves role-playing!!! Its like a way people express themselves. To me and Rashid, acting like eskimos is like discovering other cultures and we express our interest in that field. As a child, I did role-playing because I had no playmates so I expressed to my dolls what I want to be in the future!
How many times in my life have I done role-playing or even think of doing it, TOO MANY! I tried to be this person to fit in and I tried to be that person to fit in. But you know what, I realized that no matter how many times I act like somebody else and play their role, we can't be completely honest since we're not being honest with ourselves. I've tried so many times to fit in and I end up in the wrong side (ok, this was my experience in Kenya). I tried to hide my real attitude so that people will accept me. I defied my principles and beliefs so others can accept me. Being a role-player is like being untrue to myself and I end up hating myself. Then one day, in a bonfire, a question was asked for me to answer. The question was "Who do you like?" and at this time there were like more or less 300 people around waiting for my answer, and the person I like, who is Rashid was sitting next to me. I asked myself, should I be a role-player acting like I like somebody else or someone who'd say "Yo, I dont like nobody!" or should I just be true to myself for once? Then for some reason I decided to be myself and blurted out (in a shy and modest way) "I like Rashid!". At that point, I ended being a role-player when it comes to the real me! Now I show people who I really am and hey, its they're problem if they got a problem with my attitude, at least Im not posing as a person who I really am not. I know its hard but being true to myself is like the best thing I have done for myself and I've never felt better than this...lol
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 3:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
When people say "I am happy...sniff sniff"
My parents called just today. Its been awhile since I've heard their voices. My mom she always tells me that she's ever so lonely. I mean come on, its the first time, well second time I have been away from them. The first time it was like 7 months then now, its been like more than 2 months and more...I feel bad but hey, I always say "Im ok, dont worry!". Then I talked to my dad, the man who is so hard to crack down! Ok I know the secret but other people, he's "code" is just too hard to decipher. Then my dad said "Hey guess what, we're so happy in the house coz its just me and your mom!" To some people they may think "Oh, so I was just a bother to the happiness?" But hey guess what, that's not what people mean! I know my dad is sad but he tries to cover it up by saying, "We're happy in here! Whoop Whoop!!!" That's when I realized something. How many times in our lives do we say "I am happy...sniff sniff"?
I admit I am pretty good at hiding my emotions, well until recently! I have a tendency to smile though deep inside I am hurting. Everyone has this tendency I guess. I dont like affecting people with my feelings so I kinda show a superficial face to hide what I really feel. But some people just are not that sensitive to actually feel something's wrong. Some people would joke about something and what they dont know is that the person acting all happy has a problem with what that person joked about! So I ask myself, why do I do this smiling-outside-dying-inside thing? Why cant I just show people how I really feel and show them what's up? The only time I learned how to show the real me was with Rashid, when I feel really bad, he'd ask me "are you ok?" then I'd say, "sure im fine" but my face is like the complete opposite! Then he told me "I dont like it when you dont tell me how you feel, its like lying!" Thats when I understood why people say "I am happy" though they are not. We do this coz were scared the person who asks us what's up wont understand why were sad or mad or crazy! So we try to put on a completely different face so that people will understand us. But to people who accepts us for who we are and for what we feel, us telling them something else is lying to them. So now, i dont lie to Rashid about how I feel! when he asks me why I am frowning, I tell him coz i know that no matter how shallow what I say is I know he understands! Maybe my dad said he's happy coz he's scared he'd show weakness if he says he's sad right? Now I get it!
So to conclude this thought, I think we should show what we really feel. I mean if we try to cover it up, it would either be lying to our own selves or fooling others ending up us more hurt. Now to people who ask us what's up, they gotta accept and understand how we feel, coz if not, then being a face-cover up girl is better! And so I decided, to people who dont understand me, that's your problem if you have a problem with what i feel, its my emotions not yours to understand. To people who understand me no matter how stupid I feel, well, thank you! Especially Rashid, thank you for making me realize being true to myself and to you would bring harmony in a home! lolz! Ok enough thoughts for the day....
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 1:55 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
well, what do you expect?! i just could not update my blog everyday! anyway...
so, here i am, in my room, staring in a white wall, just thinking...WHY AM I SO LAZY THAT EVEN WRITING SOMETHING ON MY BLOG IN A DAY IS SO MUCH WORK FOR ME?! i guess its just that i am so restless. Im just imagining, if rashid was next to me, i would write so much that in a day there would be like 20 posts! like one in every hour! having someone you love be there for you is such a rejuvinating thing that the person can make you do things that you cant believe you cant do! its like there's an invisible being pushing you to do things coz ur so in love!!!
Today i just slept! not a different news anymore! but anyway im just happy im still alive after all these boring days i've been spending for the last 3-4 months! tho, i had a very interesting conversation with my baby through chat! its so interesting i dont think other ppl can handle it! i think i'll jst keep it for myself, leave me some mysteriousness!!! ahahahahah
I dont even know where im going in this thing that im writing, im so directionless!!!
anyway, i just remembered what happened last saturday, seeing the forest fires and all!!! now i am still scared of what ive seen, fire on the side of the freeway, fire under the freeway, smoke all over the sky, the sun so orange coz of the smog, houses burnt to the ground and houses burning! i mean i've seen houses literally burning with all the windows shattered and the fire is in the house! the weird part is when we were on our way to church, those houses were still up, when we were going home, they were all fired up and smokin! now that was traumatizing! I pray that the people affected can regain what they've lost...
i think that's enough thought for the day...oh maybe i'll post some SUPER BLURRY pics that i took of the fires!
houses burning!!!! FREAKY!!!
now the heat from this fire was felt in the car!!!
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 12:53 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Its so gray!
As of right now, my life is gray. Its so uneventful I dont even want to share anything about it. Apart from the no-sleep nights where I chat with my boyfriend who, by the way has an 11 hour time difference from me, every day is just plain boring. I usually sleep at 3am after Rashid would push me to sleep, then he'd try to start a conversation at about 8am, I reply yet i end up sleeping! Now i feel bad about the sleeping part!!! Then, for the rest of the day, what do I do...
- sleep
- eat
- watch TV
- chat with rashid for a bit...
- sleep
- oh check my facebook and my myspace, now that's fun...
- eat
- sleep
- watch TV
- wash dishes
- oh did I mention sleep?
sigh...life...I guess I'll just wait for God to brighten it up soon, I know He'll make it colorful again just like when I was in Kenya or Thailand. I guess I'd just have to be patient...
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 1:12 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
An anniversary poem
Rashid and I just celebrated our 1st year anniversary today. So before 11/11 ends, I want to post a poem dedicated to the man of my life, Rashid Ernest Tenga...
I'll always love you Rashid, till death and till resurrection day! I love you...
To send me a man sent from up above
With eyes that sparkle just like the stars
Lips so sweet they just taste like Mars!
I've gone through life and made mistakes
Some I know I forever will hate
So I asked myself "Will there ever be,
A man who'll love me just as me?"
Then as I went to church one day
There my eyes laid on what I'd say...
A man so perfect I know God took His time
On creating this man, I wished I was his wife
This man whose name I learned was Rashid
Was ever so shy sometimes its weird
But yet i fell in love with him
At first sight, I know, ain't that just weird!
His friends told me he liked me yet
Out of disbelief I tried to forget
Until I've seen how sweet he is to me
I told myself, "Why not just believe?!"
So finally, a love meant to be
Weird and weird just went and clicked
People said a couple so sweet
But yet this man still hasn't asked me
Then one night at a party so tight
A question was asked I nearly died!
"Who do you like?" people asked me
I couldn't answer, it's out of fear
But then I thought I'd better say
Or forever regret a chance of this day
So then I said "His name is ummm..."
"His name is Rashid!" Rashid almost jumped!
Finally on November 11,2007
This man Rashid stopped being a "Chicken"!
He asked me if I'd go out with him
Blushing like a tomato, I said "YES!!!" to him
And now is our 1st year anniversary
A day so special to me and Rashid
Too bad he's far but yet so near
For his own love resides in me!
Rashid, my love, thanks for being mine
Forever I'm yours, till the end of time
I love you and Im sure, that you know
Come on let's get married, how about tomorrow???
Written by
rJ Role...
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 2:35 AM 0 comments
box of chocolates...
Some people may be wondering "Why did she choose that title? maybe she's hungry" ok maybe not about the hunger but still! this "box of chocolates" was something i got from a movie i watched before, Forrest Gump. His mother said "Life is like a box of chocolates, you dont know what you gonna get!". To some extent i believe this is true. When we were born, we do not know who who we will be when we get older. When a person is in their middle ages, what they want in life changes everyday, when we get to highschool, we tend to be more serious, when were in college, we either stick to what we have begun or shift to about 5 courses before ending up with something! We as people choose our own ways but sometimes our ways are not God's ways. But since its in our human nature, we still try to push on what we want and forget about God's leadings
Just like a box of chocolates, there are many choices! Some of the chocolates are too pretty to the eyes that they are the first ones being chosen, yet when we eat them, they are unbearable! this is how we are when we leave out God when we plan things for our life. There's just too much chocolates in this world that we forget that if we get a lot of them, no matter how satisfied we get, one way or the other it will lead us to a dentist. God is our dentist in this world full of cavities. However if you put God to lead you, no matter how disgusting the chocolate may be, God will still turn it to something sweet in the end if we only let Him lead our hand in picking out which chocolate we will get. I know, there's too much chocolates to choose, but hey, if a dentist tells you which chocolate is less harmful to the teeth, i think we'd choose that right?
So please, lets not just grab all the chocolates coz this my hurt our teeth and the gums too! (ok, what i meant was that it may hurt us and people around us...) Let us allow the Great Dentist help us out with our chocolate problems....
blogged by Rashid's Gurl at 1:32 AM 0 comments